Black Style Directory

The world’s first Black Fashion + Beauty Directory, highlighting industry professionals of color. Curated by Black Style Report, the directory is a comprehensive celebration of Black Excellence in Creative Industries. The Black Style Directory is Currently in the Dressing Room Updating our New Look for 2024!

Who we are

Black Style Directory

The world’s first Black Fashion + Beauty Directory, highlighting industry professionals of color. Curated by Black Style Report, the directory is a comprehensive celebration of Black Excellence.

Do you own a fashion, beauty or creative brand?
The Black Style Directory features fashion designers, stylists, makeup artists, hairstylists, tailors, manufacturers, beauty supply stores, photographers, graphic designers, modeling/marketing and PR agencies, bloggers, and so many more categories. Connect with other Black owned fashion brands and entrepreneurs in major cities across the globe! Want to be featured? Email us at

Get in Touch

Chris Evans_Clearly Focused Media Works_Madison Harlow PR_Atlanta